Higher Education Council Of Vocational Education Research Training is an autonomous body, Recognized by Government of India, New Delhi. During the British period, Wood’s Dispatch of 1854 contemplated pre vocational education. Indian Education Commission (1882), popularly known as Hunter commission also recommended the introduction of practical subjects in secondary schools Mahatma Gandhi, for the first time, insisted that manual and productive work should not only be an integral part of education but should center round it. The Education commission (1964-66) also recommended a 10-year schooling and diversification into two streams – academic and vocational at plus 2.
Education is an end less process needed for the development of any Nations. India being one of the developing country concentrates on four aspects of youth education as maximum percent of youth are in our country and who are going to build this universe. The four central aspects of youth education are identified as: (1) lifelong learning;(2) an amplified version of basic education which includes pre-school, elementary and secondary level education; (3) links between formal and non-formal education; and (4) education for work.
First three are practiced by all the schools but the schools less concern the last one education for work. This aspect can be affected by means of vocational training.
The role of education in facilitating social and economic progress has long been recognized. Education improves functional and analytical ability and thereby opens up opportunities for individuals and also groups to achieve greater access to labour markets and livelihoods. A better educated labour force is essential if we are to meet the labour supply requirements of faster growth. Education is not only an instrument of enhancing efficiency but is also an effective tool of widening and augmenting democratic participation and upgrading the overall quality of individual and societal life.
Skills and knowledge are the engines of economic growth and social development of any country. Countries with higher and better levels of knowledge and skills respond more effectively and promptly to challenges and opportunities of globalization. India is in transition to a knowledge based economy and its competitive edge will be determined by the abilities of its people to create, share and uses knowledge more effectively. This transition will require India to develop workers into knowledge workers who will be more flexible, analytical, adaptable and multi skilled.
In the new knowledge economy the skill sets will include professional, managerial, operational, behavioral, inter personal and inter functional skills. To achieve this goals, India needs flexible education and training system that will provide the foundation for learning, secondary and tertiary education and to develop required competencies as means of achieving lifelong learning.
HECVERT is trying to make the vocational training programme successful all over India to uplift Youth.
Towards becoming a 'Centre of Excellence' in only regular courses by offering Quality Training Programmes to meet the current and emerging needs of the adult population, by widening the access to vocational training and by functioning as a catalyst to bridge social, economical and to be a major part in developing India.
Higher Education Council Of Vocational Education Research Training shall make available innovative, Socially relevant educational provisions that are Leaner-centred, seamless and are of High-quality by employing appropriate vocational training equity in education, sustainable social transformation and composite national development.
The coverage of the national policy on skill development includes the following:
We provide students a thorough training that will allow them to build up a professional career in their field of interest.
1. The mission aims at the empowerment of youth, through imparting them technical skills and encouraging their self-economical reliability.
2. To empower youth through income generating skills and entrepreneurship.Promote the youth to and full participation, on the basis of equality with youth in economicopportunity and education.
3. To develop and disseminate strategies that can be used in analyzing the local situation and developing innovative skills at the local level.
4. To facilitate economic development, suitable skill up gradation trainings will be given to the youth.
5. To provide quality Training to inculcate self-employment among the youth.
6. To encourage sustainable development that will create an economic viability for present and future generations.
7. To facilitate the development of skills that increase vocational and training Opportunities.
8. The values, attitudes and skills, necessary to change behavior in regard to natural resource management.
We provide students a thorough training that will allow them to build up a professional career in their field of interest.
HECVERT operates through a network of all over India, having the Central Program office in New Delhi. The regional offices throughout India in West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu. The Institute aims to provide trainings and technical support to the Vocational Training Programme for realization of the national goal of fulfilling the requirements of skilled human resource for national development.
1. Board of Management 2. Advisory Board 3. Executive Council 4. Academic Council 5.Examination Council
The Board of Management of the HECVERT is the Principal Executive Body of the Institution. The Board of Management has the power of management and administration of the Institution and the conduct of all affairs of the Institution not otherwise provided for fulfillment of the objects of the Institution to make it an Institution of excellence for promoting skill based programmes in the field of Vocational training.
The Advisory Board consists of renowned academicians and field functionaries in Vocational Training in India and abroad to give their expert advise on academic policies and programmes of the HECVERT for maintaining high standards of quality training, keeping in view the merging trends and technologies world over and to advice on measures to ensure effective dissemination of the information related to training.
Executive Council is the principal Council of the Institution to monitor & control the executive functions of the Institution. This Council assists the Board of Management in the discharge of many of its functions of Academic and Administrative nature to strengthen the Institution in all respects.
Academic Council exercises general supervision over the academic work of the Institution, methods of evaluation, research and improvement in academic standards. It lays down curriculum & frame syllabi for various programmes offered by the Institution and promote research activities and programmes. It determines equivalence and improvement in academic standards of the Institution.
Examination Council is the highest body for the conduct of Examination. It lays down pre-examination, actual conduct of examination & post examination processes of of Examinations. The Examination Council appoints Paper Setters, Moderators, Evaluators and also Result Committee. It functions under the overall control of the Board of Management. It takes all measures to maintain reliability, validity and credibility of the examinations conducted by the Institution.
Since the aim of HECVERT Vocational Training is to provide the training for acquiring positive attitudes to work, practical skills, understanding and knowledge relating to occupations in various sectors of economic and social life, linking education and training with the economic life of the society is a necessity and this link should from the basis for appropriate course design. The course and duration should depend upon the depth of knowledge, the level of skills and competencies needed for wage employment and self-employment. To identify vocational needs of a district or state and to prepare a plan for education and training in vocations relevant to the needs, socioeconomic and occupational survey should be carried out.
The survey should include information about the following among others:-
1.Employment opportunities in existing as well as emerging occupations and the types and levels of skills needed in them. 2. Manpower requirements for various occupations. 3. Out turn of candidates at the Matriculation stage. 4. Infrastructural facilities available in the existing institutions, for introducing Vocational Courses. 5.Identification of coordinating institutions.
As happen else where in the Country, especially Girls, rural population, SC, ST, Minority and Disabled, Tribal educated and un educated have also implemented Vocational Training Scheme without conducting occupational surveys and started courses on arbitrary considerations.
On the basis of the district vocational surveys it may be necessary to review the existing courses. The selection of Institutions and courses to be offered in future should be made strictly on the basis of that vocational survey.
The follwing are the Departments & Sectors in which HECVERT is providing Voctational Training.
The follwing are the Departments & Sectors in which HECVERT is providing Voctational Training.
1. Agriculture and Allied Technology 2. Computer and Information Technology 3. Art, Drawing and Painting 4. Building and Construction Technology 5. Automobile Sector 6. Beauty Culture and Spa 7. Advertising and Media Industry 8. Cottage Industry 9. Health and Paramedical Sector 10. Electrical and Electronics Sector 11. Fire and Safety Sector 12. Cookery, Bakery, Confectionary and Food Processing 13. Fishery Science Sector 14. Cutting, Tailoring, Dress Making and Fashion Designing 15. Chemical Industry 16. Footwear Technology 17. Gold Appraiser 18. Hospitality Sector 19. Handicrafts Sector 20. Plastic Industry 21. Textile Technology Sector 22. Teacher Training Sector 23. Leather Industry 24. Printing Technology 25. Photography Industry 26. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sector 27. Secretarial Practice Sector 28. Aviation Sector 29. Logistics Shipping Management 30. Veterinary Sector 31. NGO Management 32. Yoga Sector 33. Technical Training
The National Knowledge Commission (NKC) considers Vocational Education and Training (VET) as an important element of the nation’s education initiative. In order for VET to play its part effectively in the changing national context and for India to enjoy the fruits of the demographic dividend, there is an urgent need to redefine the critical elements of imparting vocational education to make them flexible, contemporary, relevant, inclusive and creative. The Government is well aware of the important role of VET and has already taken a number of important initiatives. Through consultations with industry groups, academics, civil society and practitioners, NKC has deliberated ways and means to strengthen these initiatives and recommends the following long and short term strategies.
1. Placing Vocational Education entirely under the Ministry of Human Resource Development. 2. Increasing the flexibility of VET within the mainstream education system. 3. Quantifying and monitoring the impact of vocational education. 4. Increasing resource allocation to vocational education. 5. Expanding capacity through innovative delivery models. 6. Enhancing the training options available for the unorganized and informal sector. 7. Strengthening the current institutional structure. 8. Ensuring a robust regulatory and accreditation framework. 9. Undertaking a re-branding exercise.
We are Higher Education Council Of Vocational Education Research Training aims at developing rural and urban students and thereby our Indian Economy by providing quality Vocational Training Programmes following National Knowledge Commissions recommendation. .
Secondary Education is a crucial stage in the educational hierarchy as it prepares the students for higher education and also for the world of work. Classes IX and X constitute the secondary stage, whereas classes XI and XII are designated as the higher secondary stage. The normal age group of the children in secondary classes is 14-16 whereas it is 16-18 for higher secondary classes. The rigour of the secondary and higher secondary stage, enables Indian students to complete successfully for education and for jobs globally. Therefore, it is absolutely essential to strengthen this stage by providing greater access and also by improving qualityin a significant way.
"Plese click the below link to download the complete report."
Report of the Working Group on SECONDARY AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION for 11th Five Year Plan (2007-2012).
The National Policy on Education. 1986 further emphasized its importance and observed: “The introduction of systematic, well planned and rigorously implemented programme of vocational education is crucial in the proposed educational re-organization. Vocational education will be a distinct stream intended to prepare students for identified vocations spanning several areas of activity.”
The Government of India considers Vocational Education and Training (VET) as an important element of the nation’s education initiative. In order for VET to play its part effectively in the changing national context and for India to enjoy the fruits of the demographic dividend, there is an urgent need to redefine the critical elements of imparting vocational education to make them flexible, contemporary, relevant, inclusive and creative. The Government is well aware of the important role of VET and has already taken a number of important initiatives. Through consultations with industry groups, academics, civil society and practitioners, Government of India has deliberated ways and means to strengthen these initiatives and recommends. Under this government law and order process, Higher Education Council Of Vocational Education Research Training in promoting the extreme services to nation.
Modern world is the world of technology and demands awareness about the technical courses and its the need of getting trained in one of such courses to be an independent entrepreneur. It is always said and heard that the people are progressing.