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Application for New Vocational Training Centers all Over India For Academic Year 2020-2021 are Invited. Apply Now !

Contact Information

Central Board of HECVERT - New Delhi

Program Office


Higher Education Council of Vocational Education Research Training
No.13-46-10, A2.Jandamanu Street,
RKS Tower, PUTTUR-Post,
Chittoor-Dist, AP, Pin-517583, India
Phone: (08577) 260260
Mobile: (+91) 9493720198
Email: hecveptr@gmail.com

Higher Education Council Of Vocational Education Research Training

Modern world is the world of technology and demands awareness about the technical courses and its the need of getting trained in one of such courses to be an independent entrepreneur. It is always said and heard that the people are progressing.


Central Board of HECVERT - New Delhi

Program Office

HECVERT No.13-46-10, A2.Jandamanu Street, RKS Tower, PUTTUR-Post,
Chittoor-Dist, AP. Pin-517583, INDIA.

Quick Contacts

Phone: (08577) 260260
Mobile: (+91) 9493720198
Email: hecveptr@gmail.com